I am a fiction writer who teaches both writing and dance. I gather community for silent writing sessions and also work as a copyeditor and proofreader for book publishers.

I live in Duluth, Minnesota, work with publishers across the United States, and teach writers worldwide online with Denver’s Lighthouse Writers.

My stories, poems, and essays have appeared in Kenyon Review, Threepenny Review, American Poetry Review, Third Coast, Denver Quarterly, Quarterly West, AGNI, and elsewhere. My fiction chapbook Staircases Will Outnumber Us is available from Red Bird. Honors include a Pushcart Prize, a Minnesota State Arts Board grant, and a McKnight Artist Fellowship. I am a longtime roommate of rescue rabbits.



I write literary fiction and am working on a novel and a mystery. I’m currently seeking a home for a linked-story collection, THE BONES OF THE MOUSE MAKE THE CAT, which takes place across the twentieth century both inside and away from a small and scrappy circus.

You can check out my chapbook Staircases Will Outnumber Us at Red Bird.

I write poems using constraints and, sometimes, traditional forms. I work on erasures and collaged texts as meditation and reanimation.

Generative Writing


I create and lead cross-genre writing workshops to inspire new and experienced writers, build writers’ self-trust, strengthen craft, foster community, and spark fresh ideas and good surprises.

I teach modern dance as well as a multi-form class for people with Parkinson’s and their friends and family. I trained as a teaching artist with ArtSage, a Minnesota nonprofit advocating for accessible, enriching participatory arts programs for older adults.

Moby-Dick Erasure

BY WHALE is an erasure of Moby-Dick that reinstates the book’s many whales.